The catcher in the light...

"Darkness cannot
drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot
drive out hate:
only love
can do that."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

  •  11/10/2020 05:16 PM

Keld Helmer-Petersen, Franco Fontana and Andreas Gursky are three generations of photographers embarking on the journey of engaging with colour, landscape and abstract. All employ media contemporary to their respective periods.

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  •  05/07/2020 03:03 PM

Walker Evans famous for his photographs of the Great Depression is a genius of composition, space and perspective and story-telling.

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  •  03/07/2020 09:05 PM

Cecil Beaton, a British photographer, who was much more than a lense and camera operator. 

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  •  01/07/2020 08:10 PM

In the year 1955 the American photographer of Swiss origin Robert Frank was granted a Guggenheim fellowship. During his travel he visited 48 states and resulting photobook presents America of the 1950s in 83 photographs.

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My name is Anna Wieczorek (nee Łacina) and I am a professional freelance artist in the following main domains:

  1. space interaction and set/stage design (a graduate of the University of Bedfordshire and former student of Architecture Department of the University of Lincoln).
  2. photography and camerawork (member of The Royal Photographic Society)
  3. artwork (illustrator and painter, a graduate of ZSP Wroclaw)
In case of any questions please contact me via email or LinkedIn.

I hope you enjoy my photographs published here. Thank you for visiting my portfolio!

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