26 Jun
The View from Your Window

Window, as a concept and an artistic metaphor can represent many ideas, such as:
- an insight (or outlook)
- constant, repetitive perspective with only the light changing
- perhaps some hint on expectation, longing or looking out
- windows are boundaries and imagination frontiers as well as a safe place to hide behind in the rain
- still, it is all framed, represents a limited view or a crop of the world's perspective

In contradiction to the metaphors stated above, by taking my photograph from the ground level (the grass) and looking up the sky through a frame made solely of the surrounding treetops I guess I managed to represent myself better.

My mindset, where I am free, looking at the sky and yet I am still well-rooted connected with the ground, the soil.

This was of course my attempt to approach the task in a little unorthodox way and finding the alternative to the literal understanding of the topic.

However, looking through my old works I noticed that the very concept of a window represented in a traditional way kept creeping into my choice of subjects. Here are three photos of my daughter that I took in deifferent places and at different stages of her life. They are all very meaningful to me not only on the account of the relationship with the subject, but the metaphor I believe they carry. That is, looking at the outside world from the safety of the interior, the curiosity and the inquisitivness of a child observing the the universe awaiting for her one day.